6VX37S+IWR Steel Wire Rope

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Wire Rope Definition

a. Wires: steel wires for wire ropes are normally made of non-alloy carbon steel with a carbon content of 0.4 to 0.95%. The tensile forces and to run over sheaves with relatively small diameters.
b. Strand: the strand is a component of wire rope usually consisting of an assembly of wires of appropriate diamsions laid helically in one or more layers around a central element.
c. Core: the core is the central element, of fiber or steel, around which are laid helically the outer strands of wire rope. The core provides proper support for the strands under normal bending and loading conditions.

d. Wire rope is several strands of metal wire twisted into a helix forming a composite "rope", in a pattern known as "laid rope". Larger diameter wire rope consists of multiple strands.

6VX37S+IWR Steel Wire Rope Construction

6VX37S+IWR Steel Wire Rope Parameters

Approx.Weight Minimun Breaking Load of Rope(KN)
Kg/100m 1570Mpa 1670Mpa
32 427 419 452 596 633 634 673
34 482 473 511 673 714 716 760
36 541 530 573 754 801 803 852
48 602 590 638 841 892 894 949
40 667 654 707 931 988 991 1050
42 736 721 779 1030 1090 1090 1160
44 808 792 855 1130 1200 1200 1270
46 886 865 935 1230 1310 1310 1390
58 961 942 1020 1340 1420 1430 1510
50 1040 1020 1100 1460 1540 1550 1640
52 1130 1110 1190 1570 1670 1670 1780

Minimun Breaking Load of Rope(KN)
1770Mpa 1870Mpa 1960Mpa
32 672 713 710 753 744 790
34 759 805 802 851 840 891
36 851 903 899 954 942 999
48 948 1010 1000 1060 1050 1110
40 1050 1110 1110 1180 1160 1230
42 1160 1230 1220 1330 1280 1360
44 1270 1350 1340 1420 1410 1490
46 1390 1470 1470 1560 1540 1630
58 1510 1600 1600 1700 1670 1780
50 1640 1740 1730 1840 1820 1930
52 1770 1880 1870 1990 1970 2090


Mine hoisting, blast furnace hoisting, large casting, oil drilling, forestry and marine industries,all kinds ofelevator, large hoisting, ground cable car ships and offshore facilities, cable railing.

How To Choose Material:

1.stainless steel :
providing good corrosion resistance and strength comparable to galvanized carbon steel grades.
2.galvanized steel:

Zinc coated carbon steel offers some corrosion resistance. It remains ductile over long periods of working. Usually higher break strengths than stainless steels.


The description/sizes may be different with goods, please check with us when order.

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