6X37S+FC Steel Wire Rope Category A

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Wire Rope Definition

a. Wires: steel wires for wire ropes are normally made of non-alloy carbon steel with a carbon content of 0.4 to 0.95%. The tensile forces and to run over sheaves with relatively small diameters.
b. Strand: the strand is a component of wire rope usually consisting of an assembly of wires of appropriate diamsions laid helically in one or more layers around a central element.
c. Core: the core is the central element, of fiber or steel, around which are laid helically the outer strands of wire rope. The core provides proper support for the strands under normal bending and loading conditions.

d. Wire rope is several strands of metal wire twisted into a helix forming a composite "rope", in a pattern known as "laid rope". Larger diameter wire rope consists of multiple strands.

6X37S+FC Steel Wire Rope Category A Construction

6X37S+FC Steel Wire Rope Category A Technical Paremeters

Approx.Weight Minimun Breaking Load of Rope(KN)
Kg/100m 1570Mpa 1670Mpa
8 24.3 23.7 26.8 33.2 35.8 35.3 38
10 38 37.1 41.8 51.8 55.9 55.1 59.5
12 54.7 53.4 60.2 74.6 80.5 79.4 85.6
13 64.2 62.7 70.6 87.6 94.5 93.1 100
14 74.5 72.7 81.9 102 110 108 117
16 97.3 95 107 133 143 141 152
18 123 120 135 168 181 179 193
20 152 148 167 207 224 220 238
22 184 180 202 251 271 267 288
24 219 214 241 298 322 317 342
26 257 251 283 350 378 373 402
28 298 291 328 406 438 432 466
30 342 334 376 466 503 496 535
32 389 380 428 531 572 564 609
34 439 429 483 599 646 637 687
36 492 481 542 671 724 714 770
38 549 536 604 748 807 796 858
40 608 594 669 829 894 882 951
42 670 654 737 914 986 972 1050
44 736 718 809 1000 1080 1070 1150
46 804 785 884 1100 1180 1170 1260
48 876 855 963 1190 1290 1270 1370
50 950 928 1040 1300 1400 1380 1490
52 1030 1000 1130 1400 1510 1490 1610
54 1110 1080 1220 1510 1630 1610 1730
56 1190 1160 1310 1620 1750 1730 1860
58 1280 1250 1410 1740 1880 1850 2000
60 1370 1340 1500 1870 2010 1980 2140
Minimun Breaking Load of Rope(KN)
1770Mpa 1870Mpa 1960Mpa 2160Mpa
8 37.4 40.3 39.5 42.6 41.4 44.7 45.6 49.2
10 58.4 63 61.7 66.6 64.7 69.8 71.3 76.9
12 84.1 90.7 88.9 95.9 93.1 100 103 111
13 98.7 106 104 1113 109 118 120 130
14 114 124 121 130 127 137 140 151
16 150 161 158 170 166 179 182 197
18 189 204 200 216 210 226 236 249
20 234 252 247 266 259 279 285 308
22 283 305 299 322 313 338 345 372
24 336 363 353 383 373 402 411 443
26 395 426 417 450 437 472 482 520
28 458 494 484 522 507 547 559 603
30 526 567 555 599 582 628 642 692
32 598 645 632 682 662 715 730 787
34 675 728 713 770 748 807 824 889
36 757 817 800 863 838 904 924 997
38 843 910 891 961 934 1010 1030 1110
40 935 1010 987 1070 1030 1120 1140 1230
42 1030 1110 1090 1170 1140 1230 1260 1360
44 1130 1220 1190 1290 1250 1350 1380 1490
46 1240 1300 1310 1410 1370 1480 1510 1630
48 1350 1450 1420 1530 1490 1610 1640 1770
50 1460 1580 1540 1660 1620 1740 1780 1920
52 1580 1700 1670 1800 1750 1890 1930 2080
54 1700 1840 1800 1940 1890 2030 2080 2240
56 1830 1980 1940 2090 2030 2190 2240 2410
58 1960 2120 2080 2240 2180 2350 2400 2590
60 2100 2270 2220 2400 2330 2510 2570 2770


Mine hoisting, blast furnace hoisting, large casting, oil drilling, forestry and marine industries,all kinds ofelevator, large hoisting, ground cable car ships and offshore facilities, cable railing.

How To Choose Material

1.stainless steel :
providing good corrosion resistance and strength comparable to galvanized carbon steel grades.
2.galvanized steel:

Zinc coated carbon steel offers some corrosion resistance. It remains ductile over long periods of working. Usually higher break strengths than stainless steels.


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